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Ever feel misunderstood? Unappreciated ? Well why not do something different this half term and meet some animals who feel the same?

Ranger Stu is bringing a menagerie of misfits.....gorgeous animals who some say -only their mommas can love. But we want to show you that they're all actually amazing and really cute in their own special ways.
We can't guarantee that you'll see all of them as some will rest each session but the menagerie includes a beautiful boa constrictor, the most intelligent rats, the sweetest (smelling) skunk and a really friendly spider....and we want you to leave best of friends with all of them.

cute rat on stu.jpg
STu and cute skunk.jpg

Each session is 20 minutes of fun and adventure. For this event we are just outside our COWtainer ( you'll soon see why it's called that!) instead of outside in our WILD field. You can find us ( even closer to the ice cream!) just to the right of the main shop and through the gate.

Parking is free and you can spend all day at the farm -playing and eating ice cream!

All children must be accompanied by a fee paying, responsible grown up ( when did we become THAT!?).
Under 1s are free but this activity is best suited for 2 years plus, so don't forget we have special sessions for under5s on Monday and Friday mornings. Check out WILDBEAT and WILD CAMPFIRE STORIES on our website

We will be under a gazebo for shelter but these events take place rain or shine so do dress appropriately for any weather! We kindly ask all adults to wear masks, if possible, just for added peace of mind. And all paws and hands to be washed ( check out our alcohol-free, lovely bubbly FOO'S FOAM at

So what are you waiting for? Join us to GO WILD

3 June


12 June